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Pycnogenol, more commonly known as Pine bark is actually not the bark but the extract from the bark of Pinus pinaster. A native plant of mainly the south-western part of France, This plant needs to be cultivated over a period ranging from 30 to as long as 50 years. The Bordeaux region of France is…… Continue Reading
The popularly known ‘famine food of India’ Caralluma fimbriata is an edible cactus found commonly in India. It belongs to the family of Apocynaceae. Used mainly in the southern parts of India, this plant is also seen in the certain parts of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Africa, Southern parts of Europe and Canary Islands. In India…… Continue Reading
In the humdrum of the fast and hectic life, often we suffer from unavoidable fatigue and early aging issues. In our daily life process our body needs constant energy level booster. We work out to burn fat and produce more energy to increase our stamina throughout the day. The huge consumerist market has come up…… Continue Reading
Wouldn’t it be good if you had to eat more to keep your weigh lesser? There isn’t any magic potion that can curb weight loss overnight. However, a balanced intake of few natural foods can definitely make your body capable of your weight loss program. Good anti-oxidants and calorie resistant elements can be wondrous and…… Continue Reading
Chia seeds are traditional herbs of Mexico and the US. For the Native Americans, legendary myths have reiterated the usage of this herb in the age of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incans. A member of the sage family Salvia Hispanica, the seeds of this plant was used as a staple food crop and was also…… Continue Reading
The berry that is your super fruit Down the timeline the people of Mapuche in Patagonian region of southern Chile, have incorporated the Maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) as a staple in their diet, recognizing it as a healing and nutritive agent. The Mapuche Indians are the Native American Indians who resisted the Inca and Spaniards’…… Continue Reading